Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Development Blog #7

Tuesday April 23, 2013

This is going to be a very short blog. I worked on fixing what I could in the GDD, and sent it off to Matt for approval and for him to add a couple screenshots of certain menus that we did not have programmed the first time we submitted the GDD.

We also worked over Skype on implementing the shop feature and sounds. Matt walked me through how to use the code he wrote for our menu system, as I have yet to really touch it. He has been handling all of the menu stuff, and it is about time that I learn. We got the shop feature working and were able to see the bought item in the player's inventory.

That is all for this session and GSP 361. I will be writing again on the development of Project: DImension (still a working title) when GSP 362 starts up in a few weeks. Until then, happy coding.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Development Blog #6

Saturday, April 20, 2013

So here we are, down to the wire on this project. The Alpha build presentation is coming up on Wednesday and the game is shaping up to be something really neat. Matt and I are both very proud of the fact that we wrote an entire game engine from scratch that is mostly non-game specific. It could be applied to any other game we wanted to write, with minor changes.

The final things we are taking care of are implementing the shop feature for the city level (we already have the merchant drawn on the screen, just need the functionality), drawing the enemy on the battle screen (we already have the player drawn), allowing the player to move between the city and the forest level and implementing interaction between the bear enemy and the player in the forest level that will initiate a battle. These are all very easy to implement and will take minimal code to accomplish. I want to take this time to thank Matt for all of the work he did with the heavy graphics portion of this project. I am not a graphics genius by any means, and he made something so simple and easy to use. I look forward to completing this project next session with him.

Looking forward, Matt is going to write a level editor over our spring break which will allow us to quickly create levels for the game (as for now the are hard coded into the game itself). This will spit out a text file with symbols in it, which will then be read in by the file i/o system we have in place. The symbols will correspond to a specific tile, and that tile will then be drawn on screen. We also want to add in small touches to different aspects of the game, like animations during battle so you can see both the player and enemy attacking. We also want to implement the team feature we designed in the early stages of development which would allow the player to have a team of animals and people to help them fight their way to the end of the game. I may or may not post something here for download that you would be able to test out and see what we have. That might come at the end of next session, when the game is fully developed.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Development Blog #5

Friday, April 12 2013

Today was a long, laborious day. Matt and I worked on a lot of bug fixes and polishing of the framework that we know works. I had to re-write the entire Sound engine today, as something was going on with Lightweight Java Game Library and OpenAL. Something about corrupted files inside the LWJGL libraries. I have no idea. So, Matt did some research and found that the Slick util libraries handle OpenAL on their own as well (as, I guess, Java supports .wav files out of the box on its own). It turns out, there was about half as much code needed in order to write the Sound engine using the Slick utils.

So we tested the Sound engine, and lo and behold, it worked flawlessly. We tested it with playing two sounds at once, and it handled that beautifully as well.

I also spent a lot of time re-writing the way we are reading in data from text files. Originally, there was an outer While loop and an inner For loop that handled the saving of data from a text file into actual objects. The problem was that the loop seemed to both reset itself and would never exit the loop (that one was purely my fault, as I never closed the BufferedReader after I was done using it). I ended up redoing the loops and using two While loops to get the job done. It is ugly and hacky, but hey, it works. I just now have to figure out how to exit a try-catch without throwing an exception (because the try portion completes successfully  but it still goes on to the catch due to a bug that I am trying to fix).

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Development Blog #4

Saturday, April 6 2013

I apologize for this being late, as I totally dropped the ball on posting yesterday.

So, this week Matt and I wanted to focus heavily on getting our battling system up and running with some dummy data. And lo and behold, we succeeded. Below you will find a code snippet from the battle system we are using:

if(playerTurn == true)
while(playerTurn == true){


if(chosenAttack != null)
enemies.get(0).setHealth(enemies.get(0).getHealth() - calcDamage(chosenAttack));
//check to see if enemy is dead
if(enemies.get(0).getHealth() <= 0)

playerTurn = false;
/*if(chosenItem != null)

playerTurn = false;

enemyTurn = true;

if(enemyTurn == true)
Attack a = enemies.get(0).getAttack(Vector.random(0, 3));

player.setHealth(player.getHealth() - calcDamage(a));

System.out.println("The enemy did "+ calcDamage(a) + " points of damage.");

playerTurn = true;
enemyTurn = false;


while(player.getHealth() > 0 || enemies.size() != 0);

If that looks a little ugly, both the Blogger formatting and the actual code, I know. I tried for hours to get something onto Blogger that would look like a scrolling code box, but nothing wanted to work (and I am not a web programmer).

So, what you see there is the meat of our battle system. There are a few portions missing, as I worked on it on Matt's laptop towards the end of our meeting yesterday and forgot to grab a copy of it, but you get the gist. The first portion of the code, which you cannot see here, checks to see which attacks the player has enabled out of their repertoire of attacks. This forces the player to only have 4 attacks available to them during any battle. They can change these attacks outside of battle, but not inside. The other part you do not see is the code where we determine who goes first, the player or the enemy, based on their speeds. That part is fairly straightforward, so I will not go into detail about it.

What you see above is how the actual battle system works. It is encased in a do, while loop in order to keep the battle going until either the player dies or the enemy dies. The chosenAttack variable you see stores the attack the player chose from the menu that shows up during battle. We needed a way for the UI to interact with the game, and that was the solution we came up with. The piece of code you may not understand is this portion:

Attack a = enemies.get(0).getAttack(Vector.random(0, 3));

This piece of code sets an Attack object a to a random attack pulled from the attack ArrayList that every monster has. The Vector.random is a function Matt built in order for us to be able to generate a random number between a minimum and maximum value. The enemies.get(0) is a hacky piece of code we are using at the moment until we get actual data to work with. It pulls the first object from the enemies ArrayList that is local to the battle system. When we have actual data to work with (which means, more enemies to fight at any given time in a single battle), this portion of the code will change to reflect whose turn it is in the battle.

Hope you all enjoyed a look into the code of our project in its current stage, and if you have any questions, leave a comment below.