Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Final Class Thoughts

February 26, 2013

This is not going to be a technical blog, but rather my final thoughts on the GSP 261 class as a whole.

This was the first GSP class that I actually had to sit down and think about what I was doing. I am not the world's greatest modeler, but I can do somethings fairly well and can work my way around Maya. Having to learn 3DS Max was a huge threshold for me as I do not entirely like the program. I feel that Maya is a much better modeling program, and Max should really only be used for animating. But, those are just my thoughts on the subject. The part that I had the most trouble with was the character modeling and animating. I learned very quickly that I was not cut out to be a character artist nor an animator, and not everyone is. Shannon was an amazing modeler and animator, and I was lucky to have her in my group. Matt was an amazing modeler as well, as he has had years of experience working with Max. I picked a pretty decent group.

Every other part of the class was relatively easy, but some were more tedious than others. The audio portion of the class was probably the most tedious, as only certain effects could generate the sounds you were looking for from the source audio. It did get easier as I worked on more pieces of audio, and in the end I was able to produce some pretty decent sound effects, for being a student that is.

The cinematic turned out fantastic. There were a few things pointed out to us during the presentation that would have made it so much better, but in the end we produced a very respectable cinematic. Every part came together beautifully and seamlessly.

I enjoyed this class very much, and I will be able to use what I learned in almost all of my forthcoming classes.

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