Friday, February 22, 2013

Group Update #4

February 22, 2013

I know this is horribly late, but I still need to get it done.

The group has gotten all of the audio bites done and imported into UDK. I began, on Tuesday, by first making a Matinee sequence in Kismet and setting up all of the cameras we were going to need. Here is a screenshot of the final Matinee sequence with everything added and animated:

As you can see, it is quite a complex mess. This is our first real work done with Matinee, and I think we did pretty well. The cinematic came out to be exactly 2 minutes long, which was a real shock as I had some reservations about how much content we had and if we were even going to make it to 1 minute. I did run into a ton of problems doing this cinematic, however. Most of the issues arose from movement tracks for different groups, but the main one was the chase camera we use to show the main character from behind. This camera was a complete and total mess to work with. Whenever I tried moving the camera and setting a new key in the movement track, after one had already been set, the camera would move in weird ways. I also ran into an issue with Matinee itself, as when I would close the Matinee editor, it would sometimes move things around that were supposed to remain where they were originally located. The main culprit was the chase camera for the main character. That was a complete nightmare. I am still having an issue with playing the cinematic in PC mode. The issue is that the PC mode will come up, but crash before it even gets to the cinematic. It is really irritating.

The cinematic is finished now, I am just waiting for an email back from the professor regarding the crashing issue. Otherwise, all is good.

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